Jacob-Baron Partner Marom Eng

Jacob Baron

Partner | Project Management & Marketing

Jacob Baron | Entrepreneur

A partner in Marom Engineering and Construction, a real estate developer with over a decade of experience, and the owner of Ofek Dan Marketing Projects Ltd., a leading company in the field of real estate marketing that has marketed thousands of housing units all over the Israel. 

Marom Engineering and Construction provides a comprehensive and tailored response to all phases of the project in the projects it initiates, including negotiations with land/apartment owners, the actual construction, and financing.  Specializing in the  execution of residential projects in the Gush Dan area and in Sharon.

Jacob Baron | Partner | Entrepreneur

Working Hours:

By Appointment only

Marom Engineering and Building excels in:

  • Financial stability/ significant equity
  • Excellent customer service department
  • Strict construction supervision in all the company’s projects

  • Full self-execution by the company itself

Jacob Baron Partner Entrepreneur Project management  Marketing

Marom Engineering and Construction has engraved on its banner the concept of "the tenant in the center"

For more details and to schedule an appointment

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